A business owner may choose to retire and sell his ownership interest, either to the business itself (a redemption agreement) or to another partner (a cross-purchase agreement). Lewis-Traut & Ruswick, APC has helped many business owners transition to retirement by structuring the sale of their interest, including the redemption of an interest in a billion-dollar money management partnership.
Lewis-Traut & Ruswick, APC is a thought leader in this area, publishing peer-reviewed articles on this topic in professional journals like Bloomberg’s esteemed BNA Tax Management Real Estate Journal.
Lewis-Traut & Ruswick, APC
949 South Coast Drive, Suite 555
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 581-8808
Fax: (714) 581-8809
Christy Lewis-Traut, Esq., LL.M.: clewis@lewistrautruswick.com
Jessica Ruswick, Esq., LL.M.: jruswick@lewistrautruswick.com
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